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Useful Links

Hi everyone, I'm now going to compile a list of useful links as well :D

The author of this website is very highly qualified. He has published several O- and A-levels Mathematics solution books and ten-year series books with Dyna Publisher. Read more about him in the website, and help yourself to the information he has placed on his website.

2) Codecogs Equation Editor for websites
This is a very good website for generating the code to make equations like this

Very useful to post mathematical equations on your sites :D

I will be using it from 1st Nov onwards for my maths questions and solutions.

3) S-cool Revision
Another free website much like ExamWorld, catered to UK education style.

4) Online Graphic Calculator

5) ScruuPhysics
Another free website much like ExamWorld.
It has questions + solutions for all topics in H2/H1 JC physics. They have been compiled over the past 4 years when the sitebuilder was tutoring JC students. And he's not making any money from this, so all downloads are for free.

Also, he has kindly agreed to help out at sgforums for JC Physics. His nick is Scruuphysics.

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    Singapore's first free online short to
    medium questions and solutions database

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