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O lvl Phy: Static Electricity

Mayflower Sec Sem 1 2005 P2 Q5

When an aircraft is being refuelled, the fuel can become negatively charged as it flows along the metal pipe to the fuel tanks.

(a) Explain how the fuel becomes negatively charged.
(b) What type of charge does the metal pipe have?
(c) Explain why a build-up of charge on the wings of the aircraft could be dangerous.
(d) During refuelling, the metal airframe (pipe) is connected to the ground. Explain how this makes the process safer.



(a) The friction between the fuel and the metal pipe causes the metal pipe to lose electrons to the fuel.

(b) Positive charge

(c) The build-up of charges might produce sparks. Since fuel is highly flammable, the wings might burst into flames or an explosion might occur.

(d) Excess charges flow to/from the ground and the pipe is neutralised. This prevents build-up of charges and thus, prevents a fire from occurring due to sparks from the static charges.

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